Visual Rape Commercials vs. Attention Whore Marketing

I came to this subject because of the billboard that where empty for a while since Covid-19 here in The Netherlands. Commercial posters were swapped by posters and stickers with imperatives. Instead a model in her bra trying to convince you having sex with her while you almost hit the car in front of you, texts on how to live your life seemed to be more trending on billboards: “Be nice, be friendly, use a face mask, do this, do that.”

Only the empty billboards triggered me to write a post, because I don’t listen to stickers anyway.

Attention Whore Marketing

Since I started this project, I noticed a few people thought in the first place directly about sex, in a way that is done in porn movies. They thought is a porn website, which seems at first sight the most logical thought in this society.

Luckily in the meanwhile most people know that when still thinking about porn while scrolling through the T-shirt collection on this website, its not the website but a pertinacious problem in their heads about sex. I don’t think it is their fault they do. They are just not aware of how they have been influenced, which results into expecting certain images when you see a word like “Slutster”.

Ofcourse the smartest online marketeers understood from day 1 the art project is not about sex but about a marketing strategy that is focusing on popular interests of the majority like "self-love" and transforming this lonely trend into a way to truly connect with others in a more healthy way. goes beyond attention whore marketing. Unfortunately still need a name like it so the majority feels like reading it and will understands better what it is all about.

Visual rape commercials: Canceling out your feelings, watching dead bodies for entertainment (aka watching a movie)

Most of us use internet hourly, watch movies that make us feel depressed because they prepare us for the worst things to come, billboards with naked people on moments we did not ask for are everywhere and so we are all being brainwashed and visually raped day in day out by the media. Visual rape happens to all of us in this rape society. In fact we are trained to rape ourselves. For instance, when someone wants you to watch a horror movie with them, maybe you feel you can’t say no because it would make you feel like a coward. Going against your feelings is the norm in this society and makes you have a better reputation or status in most groups of people, even when they say they don’t think that way.

Battle of the whores

From a young age you live with this visual rape around and in the meanwhile it seems just part of your life. No one complains about it, most even seem to like it. You learned to accept it, you are not going against it. Maybe you even like the feeling that comes with it, not knowing you are getting raped and unpowered. Being a puppet for a poster or some pixels.

Maybe because of this you don’t even know anymore what you like or dislike in life in general and you have a job that you actually do not like, but it's ok.

Sayings from your environment like: “Life can not always be fun” and “You sometimes have to do what you don’t like” suggest that even when we do not like something, we just have to accept it. Even if we don’t want to. With this rape mindset in Western countries, it’s the norm to turn “the other cheek” when something we don't want, happens.

Attention whore marketing shows we are at the first stage of discovering who we truly are at a personal level instead of being a puppet and "wanting" to be categorized into a certain color. So that is actually a huge positive step we make as humans, even though it is a very, very...very early stage of getting socially civilized. It takes way more work.

Hit me baby one more time

There is a big taboo on being angry or standing up for yourself, especially physically. Even when someone is attacking you physically, you are probably afraid to be seen as the bad guy for knocking them down even when it was just to defend yourself. In this society you should suffer like Jesus, right? You shouldn't even talk about this subject. Especially not in this way, hush!

It is seen as bad when you are critical about something that matters to you. Shooting the messenger seems the norm, so I am happy with the saying to make people aware. Most are being trained to tell you that you are just complaining when you tell about the things you are not happy about. We have lived in voluntary censorship for decades. Especially when it comes to being forced to do things we don’t like, we should not be talking about it. You need multiple people and start a demonstration to let others know what matters to you and the lives of others. Demonstrations are unfortunately forbidden in The Netherlands at the moment because we seem to not have human rights like we had before.

When someone has been hurt, you need to have evidence they have been hurt while the perpetrator never have to show evidence or spend any time on the case because they are not the one with a problem in the eyes of this society.

Attention whore marketing does give people a voice. It is tricky if it will be attention whores that are inspired by the visual rape commercials or if they will use the stage for something valuable to add.

Your needs are probably not that complicated

The good news is that we have so many chances and opportunities these days so you most likely CAN have everything you like. It is most likely "only" your mindset you have to work on.

I say "we can have everything we like" because the majority simply do not have the creativity to think outside of the box. Everything we want is most of the time the things that already exist. Fokker, on the other hand, had to figure out how to fly.

But I like doing this

Ironically men are in this society more often raped than women because they are often sexually faster aroused while there are more campaigns out there to save women from men than the other way around. It seems the norm to rape men and men are being censored talking about it. Many do not even know they are being abused. A lot are unaware they are being forced to be always in the mood for women, supported by all the sexual triggers around, thinking they are a sex machine. We learn that as a woman you can expect anything from men and they just should deliver. Men are being seen as people who can abuse sex as a way of violence while women do the same. Men are being forced to like sex with women in this society so to not to be seen as gay or prude. Men are not always the “bad guys”. Funny right, that it is being called “bad guys' ' while the porn industry is 90% women an industry were rape is the job. And if your child is being kidnapped to become a prostitute in one of the legal red light districts in The Netherlands, chances are it wasn't a man because we tell children to not talk to strangers, which is referring to men.

So if you are a guy, read this post at least twice and think twice before chasing a woman, she might chase you already. Besides the twisted people, men and women still have different rights in the Western society and we all need to save our ass. Unless you are able to make a commitment, you are acting like a fool in this system.

Visual Rape Commercials and Attention Whore Marketing

Don’t judge the cover by it’s book

Being told so many lies, we don’t see things for what they are anymore.Also sex is actually not what we have been told it is. Sexual energy doesn’t even have anything to do with naked body’s and conception. Just do your research yourself to get into a new bubble. What we do in this society doesn’t have anything to do with sex, we practice rape in our society. Our human body is way more sacred and powerful than we think. Sex is being abused in movies and commercials. The way we see sex in weakens our body and lowers our strength. This is not sex, this is rape and abuse of power.

Some animals even die after having sex because they simple do not have a reason to live anymore after having sex. Also for humans sex is not meant as entertainment and our body will tell us at the right moment. So be friendly towards yourself and don’t ignore the signs of your body, emotional and mental well being.

Talking about censorship and lies, posting this is even a risk because the words I use have consequences for my website and so is being censored in a way.

Rape is nothing more than making you enjoy something you didn't want in the first place and when you have the time thinking you still don't want it. Rape is convincing you on every level of your being you need to give something they want from you. Convincing you on every level you like it. Which is the roots of most commercials. Influence marketing is exactly the right word, they didn't lie to you. holds you a mirror

In short, this is again another post on why this art project is called It is meant to connect again with each other on a healthy level cancelling out the rape society part.

It is the art project is called “Slutster”, the website that is sharing your art portraits and recommends you, not the people who join the project, being exposed on the T-shirts. The people on the T-shirts are holding you a mirror until you wear them on your T-Shirt. Because the moment you wear these people on your Shirt with sincere intentions, you are able to connect and support and expose others without needing anything from them in return.

The slogan of is #WeLikYouWeShareYouWeRecommendYou. is not human but a website.

Official new meaning of the word slutster since 2015:

The verb "to slutster" is referring to marketing techniques in which the subject needs a lot of attention from a huge audience in order to be sold.

Example: "That product went viral, it must have been a hell of a slutster project!"

Not getting it?

When porn still comes up in your mind when scrolling to the webshop it is time to seek help because your brain is definitely raped by society and you are not able anymore to see reality anymore for what it really is. Also when “women” is coming up in your mind when you hear the word slutster, know that this information in your brain is outdated. Please ignore all the bitches that (visually) rape you, from any gender. If you got aroused by this text you need to seek help.


Photo by Fab Lents