Portrait Drawing (Like Me, Share Me, Recommend Me)

Portrait Drawing (Like Me, Share Me, Recommend Me)

Ordinarie pris
Ordinarie pris

Order your portrait here so we can prepare your portrait collection in the shop and print it on tshirts, sneakers and other products for other people to buy.



How it works:

  • Follow and complete the transaction process or get your portrait for free (click on the "honor" icon below for more info).
  • Upload the photo (max .1 adult person allowed on photo) into your account in the "order" section.
  • Upload a short story as well about this person you like to give recognition.
  • A professional artist creates your selfie portrait
  • Your custom selfie portrait will be printed on our products in our shop for anyone to buy and we share them on our social media. Keep sharing the portraits as well with the hashtag #welikeyouweshareyouwerecommendyou


Frequently Asked Questions:

What  happens when I order this?

When you send us a photo, our professional artists draw a portrait that will be printed on our t-shirts and other wearable products in our shop. In this way other people all over the world can wear this selfie portrait to give it recognition.

What do I get?

Portrait fame and recognition! Your selfie will be printed on the products in our shop, for others to buy! We make sure your selfie portrait will be liked, recommended and shared. Please share it as well on your social media and ask your friends to do so. Don't forget to add the hashtag: #welikeyouweshareyouwerecommendyou

Ofcourse you can buy your own selfie on a tshirt in our shop as well whenever you like.

Can I buy it as a gift to someone else?

Yes, you can send a photo from your best friend (with permission). We send a message to a human professional artist to make a beautiful drawing of  the photo of your friend. Your friend might see their portrait being worn by different people in the world on their t-shirt. Check our meet up page to check the story behind each portrait.

Want your friend to choose their own photo for their portrait? In that case you like to buy our gift card.


Want to buy your own selfie portrait printed on a product? Slutster.com is helping you to give recognition towards each other. The products are made to buy for others.